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OPWHL Official Policies & Procedures document
Official Policies & Procedures
Updated as of September, 2018
Good sportsmanship is viewed in the OPWHL, CEWHA (Canadian Electric Wheelchair Hockey Association) and NAPHA (North American Power Hockey Association) as a concrete measure of the understanding and commitment to fair play, ethical behavior, integrity and respect. All spectators, players and coaches shall uphold an attitude of good sportsmanship. In perception and practice, good sportsmanship shall be defined as those qualities of behavior, which are characterized by respect and genuine concern for others. There is zero tolerance for any form of bullying on or off the court or via social media (as addressed below).
The Code of Conduct is paramount to the league mission and purpose and it is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to ensure that all players and volunteers feel safe and adhere to the official Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy.
The OPWHL has the right to address any inappropriate behaviour from parents, spectators or player attendants if that behaviour is not in compliance with the OPWHL Code of Conduct. The person in question will be notified about their behaviour with an appropriate request for change. If the behaviour continues, the Board will address the issue and if necessary, the person in question can be barred from attending league events.
Social media is a revolutionary platform that enables communities and people to connect all throughout the world. While it is often considered a safe place for social interaction, negative social media practices can transform this environment into a setting that is incredibly harmful.
Registered members of the OPWHL are expected to interact with fellow registered members, with the same level of respect and mindfulness as you would in the real world. Furthermore, you are a representatives of the OPWHL and must be aware that anything posted that is related to the OPWHL, can be seen by anyone whom has access to the internet.
OPWHL registered members could face a warning, discipline, suspension, or outright ban if found violating the following Social Media Policy. Social Media is defined as websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networks.
Registered OPWHL members must completely refrain from the following:
- Posting negatively, insultingly, or offensively about a registered OPWHL member, family member of a registered OPWHL member or OPWHL Director on social media. This includes negative pictures, texts, symbols, or emoticons.
- Posting negatively, insultingly, or offensively about the OPWHL, OPWHL organizational activities, OPWHL rules, regulations, policies and procedures.
- Sending a negative, insulting, or offensive private message to another registered OPWHL registered member, volunteer, staff or OPWHL Board member’s social media account. This includes negative pictures, text, symbols, or emoticons.
The OPWHL coaching strategy is always to focus on player skill development, team building, fairness, inclusion and the enjoyment of recreational play. During the regular season, coaches will provide equal playtime to the best of their ability since the goal is for players to be actively involved in each game. This can be dependent on the number of players requiring rotation in a particular position and circumstances of each specific game. During more competitive situations such as tournaments, it is the coach’s discretion to determine which players will receive playtime dependent on each specific game situation.
League players must participate in at least 60% of regularly scheduled season games (from the date they register) in order to be eligible for the competitive team, league playoffs and annual awards.
a. Players
Players and coaches are to be on the floor or bench area a few minutes before scheduled game start time. Once the game has concluded, players/coaches will line up for the handshake immediately and exit the gym through the mid court doors. Second game players to enter the gym from the change room or from the gym but only after the first game players are off the floor. Coach debriefing with players must take place out of the gymnasium in the hallway or change room. Players are free to approach their coach to discuss any concerns or issues.
b. Time Clock
OPWHL league games periods are 15 minutes, running time, with a 2-minute intermission between periods. In the 3
rd period, if the score is within 3 goals, the last (2) minutes are played in stop time. If the game is not within 3 goals, it continues in running time unless the trailing team scores to bring it within 3 goals, at which point the game will go into stop-time. Once a game is in stop-time, it cannot return to running time.
c. Running Time/Stop Time
During Running Time, the time clock is stopped if: a goal is scored; a penalty is called; a referee requests stoppage or a whistle is blown during a penalty. During Stop Time, the time clock is stopped on any whistle.
d. Switching Ends
Due to time constraints in the gymnasium, there will be no changing of ends during regular season games.
e. Forfeit Policy
A minimum of four (4) players per team is required to play a regulation game and no substitutions from other teams will be allowed. All four (4) players must be in the gym at puck drop or the referee will call a forfeit. Shorthanded teams of 4 players can play a regulation game or they may elect to play a friendly match. A friendly match can be played if a team forfeits but the forfeited team will not receive any standings points from resulting gameplay. There will be a goal differential of (3-0) in instances where the opposing team forfeits a game. This means that the team that forfeits will receive 0 points (0 goals for, 3 goals against) and the opposing team will receive 2 points (3 goals for, 0 goals against) in the standings.
f. Mercy Rule
After a 10 goal spread, no more goals will be shown on the score clock, though goals will still be recorded for statistical purposes. The current unwritten mercy policy of pulling first line players when a team is leading by a number of goals will continue to be practiced.
g. Overtime
Due to time constraints during regular season games, there will be no overtime gameplay. One point will be awarded for each team in a tie game. During playoff games, the following procedures will apply: If the game is tied at the end of regulation time, there will be a sudden death overtime period; meaning, if a goal is scored during this period, the game is over. If the game is still tied after the overtime period, it results in a shootout.
h. Shootout
If the game is still tied after the overtime period during a playoff game, there will be a shootout. Each team will have three (3) shooters. The team with the most number of goals out of three shots will win the game. If after the three shooters the game is still tied, the shootout will proceed to a "sudden death" format; meaning the next shootout goal wins (if the team who chooses to shoot first scores, the team that shoots second has the chance to redeem themselves, if they miss, the game is over).
i. Team Captains and Assistant Captains
Coaches will determine a team captain and assistant captain as soon as possible and notify game officials prior to the beginning of pre season games and the first official game of the season. Coaches will also provide this information to the Program Director so that the information can be shared via social media.
j. Communicating with Officials
Only designated team captains are permitted to engage in discussions regarding rule interpretations with league officials. Assistant captains are allowed the captain's privileges whenever the captain is not involved in game play. Players and coaches are allowed to ask refs a question to clarify a call, however any at length discussions are the responsibility of team captains and assistant captains. All communication with officials must be in a calm and respectful manner. Any disrespectful comments or verbal abuse directed towards officials by players or coaches will result in a Bench Minor or Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty as outlined in the Official OPWHL Rules & Regulations, Section 12.1 and 12.15 respectively.
k. Penalties
In order to address safety issues for all players, officials will be strict with contact penalties including boarding, dangerous driving and ramming. Side-to-side contact is acceptable however aggressive driving involving significant contact with another player is a safety concern and a penalty will be called. If two players are involved in major contact, and both are found to a certain degree to be the cause of the contact, the players will serve coincidental penalties.
The following contact penalty definitions are also documented in the Official OPWHL Rules & Regulations:
Boarding: Recklessly riding a player into the boards with excessive force. For example when a player forces another player into the perimeter of the playing surface and then continues to make contact with the player.
Dangerous Driving: Operation of a wheelchair in a dangerous and reckless manner, while not in complete control of ones chair. Can include dangerous contact with another player, driving in a reverse direction beyond two chair lengths or making contact with another player, driving with ones head down, and unnecessary high speed contact with the perimeter of the playing surface.
Ramming: A player may not deliberately run into another player with his/her wheelchair. Side to side contact is allowed, but players may only "ride the player off." Using the front of a player's chair to make contact or trying to push a player's chair out of the way is not permitted.
During game time, if a safety issue or an escalating confrontation causes concern, attending board members have authority to intervene to ensure gameplay is safe for players or to diffuse the situation, however board members cannot overturn ref or penalty calls.
The trade deadline date for each season is typically January 1st. The goal in establishing a firm trade deadline for player movement is to allow for teams to develop as a group and move as a strong unit into the playoffs. Please keep in mind player movement is required at some points to maintain competitive balance of all league teams.
Players are asked to be respectful of the fact that all coaches, officials and assistants are volunteers who are giving of their time and make it possible to have a PowerHockey league in Ottawa. Coaches will continue to do the best they can to play everyone as much as possible. Officials will continue to make fair penalty calls to the best of their ability. Game Assistants are responsible for set up and player preparation however they are not responsible for personal care. If a player requires personal care assistance on a weekly basis, they will be asked to bring a personal support worker with them.
The OPWHL is run entirely by volunteers. Aside from the Board of Directors, the majority of volunteers are directly involved in game day support. Although there are specific roles, volunteers work as a team and support each other in their responsibilities.
a. Coaches
Coaches are responsible for the implementation of a structured approach to playing in league games such as positioning, passing, teamwork, and defensive/offensive strategies. Coaches will focus on player skill development, team building, fairness, inclusion and the enjoyment of recreational play. Coaches will remain on their player bench at all times.
Note: Please arrive 15 minutes prior to game time in order to strategize with your team.
b. Referees
It is the referees' responsibility to inform the timekeeper and scorekeeper of each goal, the name of the player who scored the goal, and the names of any players who assisted on the goal. When calling a penalty on the floor, announce penalized player(s), the exact penalty and duration.
Note: Responsible for set up and pack up of gym including nets and boards.
c. Timekeeper
The timekeeper is responsible for running the time clock and keeping track of the time for each period, any time-outs, and the time for any penalties. The timekeeper should be familiar with league policies regarding running time and stop time. The timekeeper must also instruct penalized players when he/she may return to the game.
Note: Responsible for setup of Score Table with time clock, official score sheet and +/- clipboards.
d. Scorekeeper
The scorekeeper will record the time of each goal, the name of the player who scored the goal and the name of players who assisted on the goal as directed by the refs. The scorekeeper is also responsible for documenting the name and the start time and stop time for all penalties.
The scorekeeper is responsible for updating the league +/- stat sheet. This entails recording players on the court when either team scores a goal.
Note: Responsible for setup of Score Table with time clock, official score sheet and +/- stat sheet clipboards.
e. Equipment Manager and Game Assistants
Game Assistants are responsible for assisting players in the league Change Room with the following:
- Unpack and repack hockey supplies and stick bags.
- Distribute hockey sticks and attach (as required) to wheelchairs.
- Distribute and collect safety glasses to/from players.
- Assist players with putting on/taking off jerseys and coats as required.
a. Planning Committee
A committee is formed each year and approved by the Board of Directors. The Committee will include the NAPHA Representative and/or CEWHA Representative. One person is designated as the Event Manager. Members of the committee should have some prior experience in planning tournaments.
The Planning Committee will be responsible for communication with hosting league, budget, travel arrangements (accommodation, transportation, meals), attendant care, jerseys, documentation etc. All communication with hosting league (player levels, tournament rules etc.) will be with the OPWHL CEWHA or NAPHA representative and then relayed to the Planning Committee and coaches (as required). A member of the committee will be responsible for communication with tournament players regarding care plans, travel arrangements, etc.
b. Head Coach
Potential candidates for head coach will be presented at a Board Meeting and voted on by the Board of Directors. The Program Director will offer the position to individual and report back to the Board. Once accepted, an announcement will be made on Facebook. Communication with the head coach regarding tournament arrangements etc. will be with the responsibility of the committee Event Manager, CEWHA Rep or NAPHA Rep. The head coach will collaborate with the Planning Committee to appoint Assistant Captains and establish a tournament roster. Final approval is required by a majority vote of the OPWHL Board Members, unless an alternate agreement was reached between the coach and Board of Directors. The head coach is responsible for running practices and delegating responsibilities to assistant coaches in the event they cannot attend. The head coach will establish lines and utilize the OPWHL Playbook to practice offensive and defensive plays in preparation for the tournament.
c. Tournament Player Roster
The Program Director to request that all league coaches, nominate players for the tournament team (Ottawa Capitals), which will include justification. The number of players on the roster to be determined by the Board of Directors however any recommendations from the Head Coach will be presented to the Board for final approval. The Head Coach, Program Director and Chairman of the Board will review recommendations from coaches. The roster is reviewed by the Planning Committee and presented to the Board of Directors for final approval. Once approved, the Communication Director will forward an email to all league players. An announcement will also be made on Facebook.
d. Assistant Coaches
The appointment of Assistant Coaches will be discussed at a Board Meeting and recommendations to the Head Coach will be made by the Program Director. Once agreed upon by and approved by the Board of Directors, the Program Director or Head Coach will approach individuals and report back to the Tournament Planning Committee. Appointments will be announced on Facebook. Assistant Coaches are responsible for assisting and performing duties as assigned by the Head Coach, equipment (in the absence of an equipment manager) and assisting players.
e. Pre-tournament practices
The tournament team will participate in practices in the months preceding leading the tournament (typically May, June and July). Practices are to take place at the Greenboro Community Centre or the Norm Fenn Gymnasium at Carleton University in order to use the league boarding system to create an atmosphere similar to actual tournaments. The Head Coach and Assistant Coach(s) are responsible to run practices. Additional OPWHL recreational players may be asked to participate in early practices during May and early June.
f. Attendants
The OPWHL will coordinate with all tournament players to provide appropriate attendant care during a tournament. This may require having one attendant responsible for more than one player, depending on the needs of each player. The OPWHL will be financially responsible for the attendant if funds are available for this purpose. The OPWHL reserves the right to approve any player attendant based on compatibility with the tournament team and staff, regardless of how the attendant is being compensated. If a proposed attendant is denied attendance, the player in question will be asked to find an alternate attendant. If the player in question is unable to find an attendant, the OPWHL will attempt to recommend an appropriate option. If a player refuses to consider an alternate attendant, the player will forfeit their right to be considered for the tournament team. All attendants are required to sign the OPWHL Attendant Agreement which addresses adherence to OPWHL polices and procedures, financial arrangements, and expectations.
g. Financial Responsibilities
The OPWHL will endeavor to raise the necessary funds to pay for the tournament team, staff and attendants to participate in yearly tournaments. These funds can cover transportation, accommodation, meals and attendant care. If appropriate league funds are not available, anyone attending a tournament may be required to pay all individual expenses. Alternatively, tournament players may be asked to assist in fundraising initiatives to cover tournament expenses.
h. Waiver
Anyone attending a league sanctioned tournament in any official capacity which includes players, volunteers, coaches and attendants, will be required to sign an OPWHL Waiver which addresses release of liability, adherence to policies and procedures, medical emergency contacts, etc.